Health, Environment & Ecology

Together, let’s act to preserve life!

Our Actions

Action 1: Distribution of the short film “The Tiger’s Boxer” on teenagers and cancer, in hospitals for children with cancer and thus free their speech and engage in debate. Give a voice to the ones we don’t hear and heal the body and mind.

Affiche du film boxeur du tigre
une image film boxeur du tigre
une autre image du film boxeur du tigre

Action 2: Boxing lessons at the Red Cross hospital in Margency with John Dovi and Bakary Diabira. Thanks to these international boxing champions and coaches, we reboost the mental strength of children towards healing.


Action 3: Meditation course via “yoga Nidra” with EYLL (Enjoy your lucky life).
Thanks to Amel, the president of EYLL, the children meet their inner totem animal and find tools to heal.

Action 4 : In schools or during ecological events, educate children to life in trees with different tools :

  • Share the alphabet of trees created by HUG BACK especially for children.
  • Share emotions of the trees thanks to a device called “Music of the plants” that transcodes the vibrations of the plants in music.
  • Broadcast educational and entertaining films about environmental/health issues and solutions and meet the experts!